Terra Lopez of Rituals of Mine – Los Angeles, California [#Episode 247]

Terra Lopez of Los Angeles, CA based Rituals of Mine speaks about her upcoming album, live performances, and why she changed her project name from Crayon Sister to Rituals of Mine with Homoground correspondent Maia Macdonald (Kid in the Attic, Brooklyn NY)

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Transcription of Terra’s story:

“Nowadays with social media, it’s a lot of work to be vulnerable. It’s a lot of work to be present online and to put yourself out there every single day, but its also very rewarding. It has given me the motivation to continue going in the industry when fans connect and come up to me at shows to talk about mental health, insecurities, or how our music is able to keep them going. Me sharing my journey with mental health and suicide prevention has helped them in their own way. It’s pretty remarkable. It continues to keep me open. Anytime that I’m feeling insecure thinking, “oh god, maybe I share too much.” To hear feedback and that it’s actually helping other folks makes me think, “this is what I’m meant to do and I’m going to keep doing it.” To me, that’s success and the type of energy exchange that I want to have with people while I’m doing this, is to be 100 percent authentic, so that everyone can feel comfortable and safe at our shows and safe in in music in general.”

You can read the full transcript of Terra’s interview on our patreon.


This episode was recorded and produced by Maia Macdonald.

Executive Producer: Lynn Casper

Intro Jingle by data.data.data

Interview transcription by Major Davis.

Transcription was made possible by Queer Public Podcast who let us use their transcription software.

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